I think Year 8 can state without any doubt the Taronga Zoo excursion was really a time to increase our limited knowledge of the nature actually around us. It was truly an opportunity that made us open our eyes to see the flora and fauna that is around us. With our bags on our backs and our ipads in our hands we were ready to explore our nature.
On the morning of the 1st of August the students in Year 8 along with Our science teachers were waiting to catch our bus for one thrilling day. We were told to take photos of animals and plaques on exhibit. The bus trip included managing to take some photos of kangaroos, travelling on the Sydney harbour bridge, ect. When we arrived at the zoo all the way in Mosman, the view was exhilarating and forced us to start taking photos immediately. We all got with the group we had chosen to be with and started exploring the place of nature. Year 8 were delighted and were fascinated by the attitude of the animals. With some animals posing for the cameras, others even waved and did tricks. We were told to take photos of two trail walks throughout the trip; the Rainforest Trail, filled with tropical animals and the Great Southern Trail with memoirs of several different sea animals.
We were also invited to the Taronga Institute of Science and Learning and were taught about the adaptations, liveability and climate of specific animals such as pythons, possums and stick insects. We also learnt a lot about energy and how it flows through our ecosystem. After we exited the zoo we really felt like we had actually learnt something. It was truly a great experience. Not only did we learn tonnes of things but above all we had fun.
Aaditya Chawla
Year 8